The James Begg Society

The James Begg Society

Publishers of Protestant, Reformed Christian Literature

Annual Meeting Addresses

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The James Begg Society holds an Annual Meeting and other occasional public meetings. To these we invite various ministers of the gospel and other men to give an address (i.e., a public lecture) on a topic of our choice.

You can listen to our past Annual Meeting addresses by simply clicking on any of these links below. Or you can download them as follows:

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From our 1996 Annual Meeting.

Mr. Smith speaks on several important issues that faced Rev. James Begg, D.D., in his day, such as attacks on the Bible and the introduction of hymns and other man-made impositions upon the worship of God. He then makes incisive comment on today's churches, with particular reference to his beloved Free Church.

Rev. Angus Smith was minister of Cross Free Church, Isle of Lewis, before joining the Free Presbyterian Church of Scotland.

From our 1997 Annual Meeting.

Rev. Silversides gives concise and compelling reasons why we should consider the pope of Rome to be this "man of sin" that we are so warned against in Holy Scripture.

Rev. David Silversides was minister of Loughbrickland Reformed Presbyterian Church, Co. Down, Northern Ireland.

From our 1998 Annual Meeting.

Rev. Cartwright shows clearly and concisely why full subscription to the Westminster Confession of Faith is so vital. The Confession is not, as is popularly believed today, merely an historical document, nor is it a millstone to tie us down in bondage, but rather it is a manifesto of the truths of Scripture, and should be adhered to by all ministers and elders, particularly when all around are trying to bring new ideas into the church.

Rev. Hugh Cartwright was minister of the Free Church of Scotland, Ferintosh, from 1969, Professor of Church History and Church Principles in the Free Church College from 1990, admitted as a minister of the Free Presbyterian Church of Scotland at the May 1998 Synod, and became minister of the Edinburgh Free Presbyterian Congregation in October 1998.

Christian Piety and Spiritual Warfare

by Rev. Murdo A. Macleod

From our meeting held in Stornoway, Isle of Lewis, in 1999.

Rev. Macleod shows how Christian piety is not incompatible with spiritual warfare as we are in a battle as long as we are in this life against the world, the flesh and the devil.

Rev. Murdo Macleod was minister of the Free Church, Leverburgh, South Harris, and is now minister of Crow Road Free Church (Continuing), Glasgow.

From our 1999 Annual Meeting.

Rev. Watts traces the history of the modern day ecumanical movement and shows clearly where it departs from the Word of God.

Rev. Malcolm Watts was minister of Emmanuel (Reformed Baptist) Church in Salisbury, England, and is now retired.

The Marks of an Apostatising Church

by Rev. David Silversides

From our meeting in Stornoway, held in 2000.

Identifying three principal marks of the drift into apostasy, Mr. Silversides warned, firstly, of a diminishing esteem of the Word of God, in doctrine and practice, whereby "Biblical orthodoxy can continue to be professed, but not loved." Secondly, we should be watchful for a dissatisfaction and general weariness with Biblical worship. "The cry for creative and new ideas is a sign of spiritual death." Finally, there is the danger of the neglect or abuse of church discipline: "if a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump, discipline matters."

Rev. Silversides then gave some prudent applications, including the warning that, "good history does not guarantee a good future."

Church and State

by Roy Mohon

From our 2000 Annual Meeting.

An excellent summary of why Jesus Christ is not only King of the church but King over all, including the civil magistrate. Many today believe in a total separation of Church and State, but this paper gives clear reasons why this position cannot be tenable.

Mr. Mohon is minister of the Presbyterian Reformed Church, Stockton-on-Tees, England.

Christian Liberty

by Rev. Harry Woods

From our meeting in Stornoway, held in 2001.

A summary of the freedom we have in Christ to keep God's commandments. Most people think this as slavery, by Mr. Woods clearly shows how this is the greatest freedom of all.

Rev. Harry Woods was minister of Thornwood Free Church (Continuing), and is now minister of Beauly Free Church (Continuing).

The Authority of Scripture

by Rev. John P. Thackway

From our 2001 Annual Meeting.

Rev. John Thackway shows clearly that our sole authority for knowing what is right and true should come from Scripture alone, and not from the vain philosophies of this modern world.

Rev. Thackway was the minister of Holywell Evangelical (Reformed Baptist) Church, North Wales, and is the editor of the Bible League Quarterly. He is now minister at Emmanuel Church, Salisbury, England..

Worship True and False

by Roy Mohon

From our meeting held in Stornoway, 2002.

Mr. Roy Mohon shows how worship in many of today's churches is so far removed from the worship that God requires of us. We need to realise that we cannot worship God any way we choose, but only in the way that He has ordained. Mr. Mohon clearly shows how worship of men's own devising soon leads to apostasy.

Mr. Mohon is minister of the Presbyterian Reformed Church, Stockton-on-Tees, England.

The Christian Hope of Immortality

by Rev. Donald N. Macleod

From our 2002 Annual Meeting.

Rev. Macleod shows us the truth about death and the life hereafter. This is not "pie in the sky" to the Christian, but a living reality. So many people think that death is the end and the life we have here and now is all there is to live for. Mr. Macleod shows clearly and biblically that this is not so, and that this life is only a preparation for the next.

Rev. Donald Macleod is a retired minister of the Free Church (Continuing).

Returning to the Reformation

by Rev. James Gracie

This is the address given at The James Begg Society's first public meeting outside of Scotland, in Belfast, Northern Ireland in March 2003.

Rev. Gracie gives a very clear message pointing out that the Reformation was primarily a spiritual work of God, and that rather than the Reformers producing something new, they were in fact returning to certain fundamental biblical truths. He goes on to mention four of the most important of these truths, which are all still as relevant to us today as they were to the Reformers, namely: Returning to God, Returning to the Authority of Scripture, Returning to Justification by Faith through Christ alone, and returning to the Lord Jesus Christ as the only Head of the Church.

Rev. James Gracie is the president of The James Begg Society, and he is minister of the Free Church of Scotland (Continuing) congregation in Edinburgh.

From our 2003 Annual Meeting.

Mr. McCurley shows us the importance of the Reformation doctrine of Solus Christus: Christ Alone, and how it is indeed the most important of the doctrines recovered in the Reformation. He then goes on to talk about the centrality of the doctrine, the contemporary need for the doctrine and the recovery of the doctrine in today's modern age.

Rev. Robert McCurley was the minister of the Smith Falls, Ontario, Canada congregation of the Free Church of Scotland (Continuing).

In Spirit and in Truth

by Brian Bradley

From our May 2004 Annual Meeting.

Mr. Brian Bradley shows that the worship of God is conditioned on both (1) our acceptance of God and (2) the acceptability of the content of our worship to God. Throughout Holy Scripture, the true worshippers of God are said to fear and obey Him precisely in the substance of their worship – they offer him nothing of their own devising, but only what is in accord with what is God's revealed will. Mr Bradley proceeded to show how the Book of Psalms is a suitable and sufficient manual of praise for the Christian church.

Mr. Brian Bradley was the minister of Bryn Seion Reformed Congregational Church, Cynheidre, Llanelli, South Wales.

From our May 2005 Annual Meeting.

After describing the setting of the Assembly of Divines in Westminster Abbey (1643-1652), Mr. Chad van Dixhoorn discusses the longest running debate the early period of the Assembly – concerning the meaning of the phrase "He [the Lord Jesus Christ] descended into Hell" found in the Apostle's Creed. He shows that the English reformers followed John Calvin in denying that Christ visited some imagined temporary abode for the souls of the Old Testament saints (limbus partum), but rather that on the cross, He suffered the full poured-out wrath of God for the sins of His people (see Westminster Confession of Faith chap.8, sec.3).

Mr. Chad van Dixhoorn is a licensate (i.e., probationer) for the ministry Orthodox Presbyterian Church (USA/Canada). He is currently at the University of Cambridge, UK, studying the Minutes and Papers of the Westminster Assembly.

From our 2006 Annual Meeting.

Mr. Freeke gives us an insight into the history of the Synod of Dordt, which took place in 1617-1618. He then gives us an overview of the theology of the Canons of Dordt, which were the main fruit of the Synod.

Mr. Jan Freeke is a member of the Free Presbyterian Church of Scotland congregation in Glasgow.

From our 2007 Annual Meeting.

In this lecture, Mr. Padbury discusses how rationalism, uniformitarianism and evolutionism influenced the presbyterian churches in Scotland in the 18th and 19th Centuries, and who were the main opponents of these errors at that time.

Mr. Simon Padbury is a member of the Presbyterian Reformed Church congregation in Stockton-on-Tees, England.

From our 2008 Annual Meeting.

In this lecture, Dr Moore gives an overview of the "Marrow Controversy" in the Church of Scotland in the early 1700s, and shows that the influence of English Hypothetical Universalism affected the theology of those who supported the "Marrow", and how indeed later the Secession church succumbed to the "double reference" theory of the atonement.

Dr Moore is a member of the Reformed Presbyterian Church in Loughbrickland, Northern Ireland.

The Historical Calvin

by Rev. James Gracie

From our 2009 Annual Meeting.

In this lecture, celebrating the 500th anniversary of Calvin's birth, Rev. Gracie gives a timely reminder of what John Calvin really believed. Many people today mistake (either deliberately or otherwise) exactly what he stood for. Here, Rev. Gracie puts the record straight.

Rev. James Gracie is minister of the Free Church of Scotland (Continuing) congregation in Edinburgh.


Covenantal Baptism

by Rev. Alan Spencer

From our 2010 Annual Meeting.

In this lecture, Rev. Spencer gives a clear Biblical and Confessional account of what baptism really signifies, who should be its recipients and what mode should be used.

Rev. Alan Spencer is from North Wales and is the Vice President of the James Begg Society.

From our 2011 Annual Meeting.

In this lecture, Rev. Mehrshahi speaks on a much neglected subject. We may believe in the inerrancy of Scripture, but unless we also believe in the providential preservation of it, then the words of Scripture will change in each generation depending on what scholars think it to be at the time. This cannot be the case, but can we defend the truth of providential preservation for ourselves? Rev. Mehrshahi gives us invaluable information in this regard.

Rev. Mehrshahi is pastor of Providence Baptist Chapel, Cheltenham.