The James Begg Society

The James Begg Society

Publishers of Protestant, Reformed Christian Literature

The Westminster Shorter Catechism

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The Westminster Shorter Catechism

ISBN 0-9539241-9-X
48 pages; soft cover


Westminster Shorter Catechism

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The Shorter Catechism was one of the products of the Westminster Assembly which met in Westminster Abbey, London from 1643 to 1652 to distil the great teachings of the Word of God and to formulate them into a Confession of Faith and other documents by which the church in the three kingdoms of England, Scotland and Ireland was to be ordered.

Aquaintance with Scripture doctrine is vital if we are to know the way of salvation through the Lord Jesus Christ. The question and answer format of a Catechism lends itself easily to learning and memorisation and thereby key Bible truths are instilled in the heart and mind. The Westminster Divines grounded all their statements on Scripture as can be seen from the proof texts they used.

The text and proof texts found in this edition of the Catechism are the original ones submitted by the Westminster Assembly to the English Parliament in 1648; only the spellings have been updated. The proof texts are given here in full. In other published editions some of the proof texts have been partly or entirely ommitted, substituted by other references or had other references added to them.

"And we know that the Son of God is come, and hath given us an understanding, that we may know him that is true, even in his Son Jesus Christ, This is the true God and eternal life" (1 John 5:20).